Monday, 10 August 2009

Gnocchi with last week's sauce

Hi everyone! I am looking forward to an exciting weeks of essens, but sadly the week is beginning where it left off--on a not so strange sort of meal.

Squishy little larva-like gnocchi with a tomato and vegetable sauce that is suspiciously similar to Friday's essen. Let's keep our fingers crossed for better luck tomorrow!

Strangeness: 2/5
Deliciousness: 2/5


  1. Larva and left-overs only score a 2/5 on the strangeness scale?

  2. -giggles- your title amuses me; i like gnocchi though

  3. Man those totally look like radioactive bugs. And i agree with phil, that deserves more than a 2 on the strangeness scale!
